Chandra Gurung
5 august,1976
Graduation in Commerce BBS
First anthology titled उसको मुटुभित्र देशको
नक्सा नै थिएन, 2007.
It is our pleasure to add an upcoming Nepali poet Chandra Gurung, to the Indian mainstream. The translation of a foreign language into English or Hindi helps us understand the different societal structure and prevailing conditions. Being neighboring countries the amalgamation has brought forth beautiful results. Since our societies and cultures do not differ much, it feels as if we are reading, feeling, and understanding the essence and fragrance of our very own land.
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Aparna Bhagwat |
Mountains that are injured
By the assault of innumerable Tenzings and Hillarys
Every time,
Trickling cold tears of snow!
Upon the order of some army officer
Adorned in green fitting combat dress,
And waiting for another command
Silently stands the soldier hills!
By the torrent blades of flood,
Terai with a clean-shaved head
Sits quietly
Basking the heat of poverty in winter!
Mountains that are injured
By the assault of innumerable Tenzings and Hillarys
Every time,
Trickling cold tears of snow!
Upon the order of some army officer
Adorned in green fitting combat dress,
And waiting for another command
Silently stands the soldier hills!
By the torrent blades of flood,
Terai with a clean-shaved head
Sits quietly
Basking the heat of poverty in winter!
This life,
From the cup of a tea early in the morning
Carrying desires of touching skies
Soars high in the form of steam.
After a while
Dashes here and there
Wanders around the world of fantasy.
And finally,
Dissolves into nowhere before realizing its dream.
Standing on an estranged place
I slowly sip the tea of life
Prepared without sugar and tea leaves,
Neither any color,
Nor any taste,
And without any sweetness in it,
Only to subside the hunger of dreams
And to quench the flirty thirst of desires.
This life-
Starts every morning
With many thoughts boiling inside me,
But wears out
By everyday exhaustion and failures.
Every evening,
Stinks badly like the rotten dreams
And spreads the foul odor of
Bitter experiences
In every nook and corner of heart.
This life,
From the cup of a tea early in the morning
Carrying desires of touching skies
Soars high in the form of steam.
After a while
Dashes here and there
Wanders around the world of fantasy.
And finally,
Dissolves into nowhere before realizing its dream.
Standing on an estranged place
I slowly sip the tea of life
Prepared without sugar and tea leaves,
Neither any color,
Nor any taste,
And without any sweetness in it,
Only to subside the hunger of dreams
And to quench the flirty thirst of desires.
This life-
Starts every morning
With many thoughts boiling inside me,
But wears out
By everyday exhaustion and failures.
Every evening,
Stinks badly like the rotten dreams
And spreads the foul odor of
Bitter experiences
In every nook and corner of heart.
The rulers,
Covering their filthy feet
With different design of shoes
Feel secure.
The shoes also
Having got to live under the ruler’s feet
The rulers,
Covering their filthy feet
With different design of shoes
Feel secure.
The shoes also
Having got to live under the ruler’s feet
Regard themselves fortunate.
They attain great pleasure
In being at their boss’ service
And being their blind followers
Intone the names of their masters.
These rulers,
In assurance of the courtier shoes
Don’t pay heed to anyone.
In the hands of abettor shoes
Fear none.
And slam kick
Upon tender dreams.
These shoes,
Tread mercilessly
On innocent lives.
And trample
The beautiful flowers of garden.
But one thing-
Whatever transgression and oppressions
These rulers carry out,
They do it only after putting on their shoes.
Without shoes, their naked feet
Cannot even traverse a single step.
Rogue Rulers!
In being at their boss’ service
And being their blind followers
Intone the names of their masters.
These rulers,
In assurance of the courtier shoes
Don’t pay heed to anyone.
In the hands of abettor shoes
Fear none.
And slam kick
Upon tender dreams.
These shoes,
Tread mercilessly
On innocent lives.
And trample
The beautiful flowers of garden.
But one thing-
Whatever transgression and oppressions
These rulers carry out,
They do it only after putting on their shoes.
Without shoes, their naked feet
Cannot even traverse a single step.
Rogue Rulers!
Every day,
Every moment,
At every junction,
And in every lane,
I encounter inflation.
Every day,
Every moment,
At every junction,
And in every lane,
I encounter inflation.
I keep walking
On the road of life
And inflation keeps soaring up
To touch the skies.
The contorted face of inflation
Haunts me often
And how I always wish-
That I never confront it again.
On the road of life
And inflation keeps soaring up
To touch the skies.
The contorted face of inflation
Haunts me often
And how I always wish-
That I never confront it again.
Even then nowadays-
Every day,
Every moment,
At every junction,
And every street,
I encounter inflation.
And with every confrontation
My worldly desires -
Clothes for body,
Food for stomach
And a roof for shelter
Get buried in the graveyard of heart.
Every day,
Every moment,
At every junction,
And every street,
I encounter inflation.
And with every confrontation
My worldly desires -
Clothes for body,
Food for stomach
And a roof for shelter
Get buried in the graveyard of heart.
I always,
Try to walk, protecting myself
And staying safe from inflation
But every time
In the long queue of -
Ration Store,
Gas Station,
Drinking Water Office
And Electricity Board,
I encounter inflation.
Try to walk, protecting myself
And staying safe from inflation
But every time
In the long queue of -
Ration Store,
Gas Station,
Drinking Water Office
And Electricity Board,
I encounter inflation.
In this alien land,
I have brought with me these two eyes
Always wanting to see the towering dreams.
Along with them
I also have with me my two hands that toil day and night
And, the legs that are measuring more journeys of life.
Coming till here,
I have with me a face that bears my own identity,
A face that has gleamed with every new victory
And, I also have my lips
That smile at every happiness here.
In this alien land-
Legs walk many desires,
Hands have accumulated much happiness,
Life has danced many joys,
Lips have bloomed many colorful smiles,
And much laughter sprouting over the cheeks.
I have everything with me
In this alien land,
I have brought with me these two eyes
Always wanting to see the towering dreams.
Along with them
I also have with me my two hands that toil day and night
And, the legs that are measuring more journeys of life.
Coming till here,
I have with me a face that bears my own identity,
A face that has gleamed with every new victory
And, I also have my lips
That smile at every happiness here.
In this alien land-
Legs walk many desires,
Hands have accumulated much happiness,
Life has danced many joys,
Lips have bloomed many colorful smiles,
And much laughter sprouting over the cheeks.
I have everything with me
In this foreign land,
What I do not have here, is a heart-
That could fit all these,
And Smiles,
A heart that is left somewhere behind -
In my own land.
In my own land.
over the body of this city
concrete buildings sprouting like wild mushrooms
of them
their life pooped spines
their honor stooped heads
their dignity sunken bosoms
their dream captivated eyes
the smudged skies
humming in chorus- a hymn of their hollow heights.
the setting youth of life
have witnessed
lands turning fat, devouring the green fields
tanks taking height, swallowing the wells and springs
standing tall, barricading the hills on either side
erecting high, demolishing the splendor of trees
lying crushed, under millions of feet
In the city that I’ve lived.
have found
advent of movie theatres chasing the Rodhis*
germination of fast food cafes replacing the tea stalls
the either side of street
heart-alluring showrooms with both hands
colourful shops on shoulders
artificial smile on faces
attract the ‘time-pass’ throng of people
swarming are shopping centers.
the city that I’ve lived
prevails if voted to a specific political party
An election proclamation
An election proclamation
two get one free’- birth of a new brand of soap
Ayurvedic medicines healing the most private diseases
lips with
multi-coloured lipsticks of advertisement
are the fashionable walls
prostitute’s chic smiles.
the hungry huts
restraint, spit the star hotels uncouthly.
fun of the ill-clad feeble bodies
in short skirts
on the ramp- a modern catwalk.
the towering buildings here
of the chemical beauty of enamels
fastened to one another
home to multi-faceted creatures that never live in harmony.
city that I’ve lived-
different unoccupied sculptures at every crossroad
standing quietly
our life full of hustle and bustle.
the black-topped confused roads
are grieving ambulances running.
the overhead bridges
the corners of secluded parks
the footway of dark roads
are flirtatious streetwalkers
illicit business on the faces of crowd.
is the city that I’ve lived
is covered by a mantilla of love
is tied by a thread of humanity
isn’t surrounded by walls of harmony either
from all sides… the city that I’ve lived.
Rodhis* -To the Gurung Community of Nepal, the “Rodhi Ghar” is a place for people to relax and enjoy themselves singing and dancing after the hardships of the day in the villages.
Sharma is a freelance translator and writer from Nepal. Having served in
various national and international organizations as translator and writer, he
contributes regular write-ups to major national dailies and South-Asian journals
regarding arts, literature and culture, and has more than a dozen of books
translated to his credit. His interviews on translation and writing have
appeared in various journals. He also has worked as editor for different
magazines and currently is the executive editor of ‘SATHI’, an English literary
journal, a first of its kind in Nepal.
Congratulations Chandra ji! It was a pleasure working with you.
many many congratulations Chandra ji and heartfelt gratitude for having me provided this opportunity...
I welcome and congratulate Chandra Gurung , Arun , Jayant and Aparna Bhagwat for their hard work . It is like extending a window and coming across the gamut of transnational literature which deals with cross -cultural relations and interaction in the Art Nouveau style.
A heartfelt gratitude to Arun Dev ji, Aparna Bhagwat ji and Aparna Manoj ji for providing such a wonderful platform for my poems. I am highly privileged with this opportunity. And I appreciate their wish to provide such opportunities to more and more Nepali poets. This link up would surely bring the beautiful results…
Yes, we are from the neighboring countries and we share almost similar society and culture. Our poems would help out to learn more about each other across the borders. And I take it as a starting step towards a great Dream to be accomplished linking up the poets of two countries for the promotion and preservation of the Hindi/Nepali Poetry.
Finally, thanks to Jayant Sharma Ji for translating my Nepali poems to English and to Aasiana Blogspot as well. Cheers !!!
Congratulations Chandra ji , enjoyed your poems in translations too, it has not lost the original flavour .
Congratulations sir...its simply awesome...:))
यद्यपि अग्रेज़ी मेरे लिए बहुत सुविधा जनक भाषा नही है , फिर भी दिमाग पर ज़ोर लगा कर कुछ कविताएं पढ़ गया . प्रभावित हुआ . और लज्जित कि हिमालय के कवि एक दूसरे को बहुत कम जानते हैं . इन्हे मूल नेपाली मे पढ़ना चाहूँगा . थोड़ी बहुत नेपाली मुझे आती है :)
Congratulations Chandra! I remember the school times when your works used to be published in newspapers. I admire your work, and may I add here for the enlightenment of people reading here that you have awesome handwriting. Keep up the good work Dai!
पूरी टीम को बधाई कि आपने इतने अच्छे कवि से हमारा परिचय करवाया। चन्द्र गुरुंग को बधाई और शुभकामनाएँ। अच्छे अनुवाद के लिए जयंत शर्मा को भी बहुत बहुत बधाई।
Extremely moving !..... Incredibly powerful !
It reaffirms my faith that the anguished heart sings the sweetest !...
You were so right .... I could relate to every word...feeling and nuance of his writing !....It's always been such experience reading authors and poets of neighboring countries having similar cultures ..... societal structure ..... similar sensibilities !
And yes , as you said , I could smell, feel and understand the essence and fragrance of our own land in his work !
Strangely I was reminded of Tagore' Kabuliwala ...specially in 'This Life' and 'Foreign Land' ..... Both of these were heart wrenching !
Standing on an estranged place
I slowly sip the tea of life
Prepared without sugar and tea leaves,
Neither any color,
Nor any taste,
And without any sweetness in it,
Only to subside the hunger of dreams
And to quench the flirty thirst of desires." ( The Life )
"I have everything with me
In this foreign land,
What I do not have here, is a heart-
That could fit all these,
And Smiles,
A heart that is left somewhere behind -
In my own land !" ( Foreign Land )
'Rulers And Shoes' is a brilliant satire ... and I personally feel that it is both 'Universal' and 'Timeless'.
It is an irony that the rulers are powerless without those shoes..... yet we can't see through this sham ...Oh ! What a shame !
Quote, unquote.....
"These shoes,
Tread mercilessly
On innocent lives.
And trample
The beautiful flowers of garden.
But one thing-
Whatever transgression and oppressions
These rulers carry out,
They do it only after putting on their shoes.
Without shoes, their naked feet
Cannot even traverse a single step.
Rogue Rulers !"
Amazing poetry !..... Intensely emotional ! .....Intricately woven thought and structure like a very fine silk tapestry !....
Thank you for sharing it with us Arun Dev !
By the torrent blades of flood,
Terai with a clean-shaved head
Sits quietly
मार्मिक और सामयिक...अपने ऊंचे शिखर पर सच्चा गर्व करने वाला ही शिखर के दुःख को समझ सकता है....जूता कविता का व्यंग्य मारक है...गुरुंग को बधाई और पूरी टीम को भी...
Mountains that are injured
By the assault of innumerable Tenzings and Hillarys..
A heart that is left somewhere behind -
In my own land.
In my own land....
This is the city that I’ve lived
-Neither is covered by a mantilla of love
-Nor is tied by a thread of humanity
-And isn’t surrounded by walls of harmony either..
bahut hi sundar izhaar hai Chandra Gurung ji ka.. Jayant Sharma ji ko is anuvad ke liye badhaai.. Shukriy Arun Dev ji, inse milwaane ke liye..
I am very happy to see Mr. Chandra Gurung on this site
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